Ryan Pettinato
Hello! My name is Ryan Pettinato and this is my personal website. Here I will be posting various projects I have been working on as well as things of personal interest.
Link to page of Personal Interests
My Resume and all information related to my education and experience is here
Pixel art that I have been creating for a video game I have been creating. I am using the "MonoGame" framework that codes in C#
An old restaurant kiosk application I made a while back with a group. Source code Here
Doing a fair amount of backend coding with hitbox registery. Lots of unique ways to store and access data to make things like collision more efficient and reliable.
One of my projects of which I am creating a platformer in MonoGame and then coding an AI to beat the game.
MonoGame Demos
CODED IN MONOGAME. No drag and drop tools were used so everything was coded from scratch aside from imported libraries.

These are my current video game demos. In the first slide I have a simple physics engine that accounts for a set of collision hitboxes set out by a tiled map. The second video is my first ever completed game which mainly was focused on vector math.
@RyanPettinato. all rights reserved
contact: ryan.n.pettinato@gmail.com
phone: +1 (480)-823-5290
United States